Horus Rising

A Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction book. You are walking along the shores of a lake, Sindermann said. A...

Under the benevolent leadership of the Immortal Emperor the Imperium of Man has stretched out across the galaxy. On the eve of victory, the Emperor leaves the front lines, entrusting the great crusade to his favorite son, Horus.  Promoted to Warmaster, the idealistic Horus tries to carry out the Emperor'sgrand design, all the while the seeds of heresy and rebellion have been sowed amongst his brothers.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 416 pages
  • ISBN: 9781849701129 / 1849701121
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I know that words cannot move mountains, but they can move the multitude - we've proven that time and time again. People are more ready to fight and die for a word than for anything else. Words shape thought, stir feeling, and force action. They kill and revive, corrupt and cure. Dan Abnett, Horus Rising You are walking along the shores of a lake, Sindermann said. A boy is drowning. Do you let him drown because he was foolish enough to fall into the water before he had learned to swim? Or do you fish him out, and teach him how to swim?Loken shrugged. The latter.What if he fights you off as you attempt to save him, because he is afraid of you? Because he doesnt want to learn how to swim?I save him anyway. Dan Abnett, Horus Rising Great actions have shaped our society. Sindermann said. The greatest of these, physically, has been the Emperor's formal and complete unification of Terra, the outward sequel to which, this Great Crusade, we are now engaged upon. But the greatest, intellectually, has been our casting off of that heavy mantle called religion. Religion damned our species for thousands of years, from the lowest superstition to the highest conclaves of spiritual faith. It drove us to madness, to war,to murder, it hung upon us like a disease, like a shackle ball. I'll tell...

I feel remarkably dirty giving a book about the Horus Heresy 4 stars. Some other things I've given 4 stars include: On The Road, Paradise Lost, The Great Gatsby, and other classics spanning centuries of upper-middle and high literature--if there is such a thing, at least. So when I give this book, which is unabashedly pulp and a step... THE BEST book in the entire series!!! I love everybody in it! And Horus is just the most amazing perfect warmaster in the universe!!!(no offense Fulgrim heehee). 'But what of faith? Faith has a quality, even when religion has gone. We still need to believe in something, don't we? Here it is. The true purpose of mankind is to bear the torch of truth aloft and shine it, even into the darkest places. To share our forensic, unforgiving, liberating understanding with the dimmest reaches of the cosmos....


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