
A Picture Books, Childrens, Fantasy book. Wesley is a young boy that isn't afraid to stray from the status quo. Even his parents think he is...

WESLANDIA honors the misfits—and the creators—among us.Enter the witty, intriguing world of Weslandia! Now that school is over, Wesley needs a summer project. He’s learned that each civilization needs a staple food crop, so he decides to sow a garden and start his own - civilization, that is. He turns over a plot of earth, and plants begin to grow. They soon tower above him and bear a curious-looking fruit. As Wesley experiments, he finds that the plant will provide food, clothing, shelter, and even recreation. It isn’t long before his neighbors and classmates develop more than an idle curiosity about Wesley - and exactly how he is spending his summer vacation.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 40 pages
  • ISBN: 9780763610524 / 763610526
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More About Weslandia

Weslandia by Paul Fleischman is an enchanting tale of a boy who didn't fit in with those around him in his community or even at school. He was bullied and misunderstood by his parents and other adults for his "unnormal" behavior. When given the opportunity to create a summer project Wesley took his opportunities to its fullest. He used... A celebration of creativity and marching to the beat of your own drummer. With its giant plants and unique world, it reminds me a bit of Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. Wesley is a young boy that isn't afraid to stray from the status quo. Even his parents think he is a little bit odd. So what does Wesley do over his summer vacation? He builds his own civilization, complete with his own language. Everyone is completely blown away when he begins to grow plants in his own backyard that are unknown to...

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