Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child

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Spectacle: The Astonishing Life of Ota Benga

An award-winning journalist reveals a little-known and shameful episode in American history, when an African man was used as a human zoo exhibit—a shocking story of racial prejudice, science, and tragedy in the early years of the twentieth century in the...

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Scribbling the Cat

When Alexandra Bo Fuller was in Zambia a few years ago visiting her parents, she asked her father about a nearby banana farmer who was known as being a tough bugger. Her father's response was a warning to steer clear of him:...

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World Order: Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History

As Henry Kissinger observes in this magisterial book, there has never been a true world order. For most of history, civilizations have defined their own concepts of order, each one envisioning its distinct principles as universally...

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The Lottery Ticket

When Ivan Dmitritch's wife, Masha, invests her money in the lottery, he can help but feel it is a foolish waste of timing. However, having read through the rest of the paper, he agrees to check the numbers for his wife at her request. To...

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"The English version of Dissemination [is] an able translation by Barbara Johnson . . . . Derrida's central contention is that language is haunted by dispersal, absence, loss, the risk of unmeaning, a risk which is starkly...

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Collected Poems

A revised edition of this major writer's complete poetical work"And I who was walkingwith the earth at my waist,saw two snowy eaglesand a naked girl.The one was the otherand the girl was neither."--from "Qasida of the Dark Doves"Federico García Lorca is the greatest poet of twentieth-century Spain and one...

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When a Crocodile Eats the Sun: A Memoir of Africa

After his father's heart attack in 1984, Peter Godwin began a series of pilgrimages back to Zimbabwe, the land of his birth, from Manhattan, where he now lives. On these frequent visits to check on his...

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Ninety-three, the last of Victor Hugo's novels, is regarded by many including such diverse critics as Robert Louis Stevenson and André Maurois as his greatest work.1793, Year Two of the...

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Big Hair and Plastic Grass: A Funky Ride Through Baseball and America in the Swinging '70s

The Bronx Is Burning meets Chuck Klosterman in this wild pop-culture history of baseball's most colorful and controversial decade The Major Leagues witnessed more dramatic stories and changes...

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Available again, Arabesques is a classic, complex novel of identity, memory, and history in the Middle East and points beyond—including Iowa and New York City. Anton Shammas, the first Arab to write a novel in Hebrew, has given us a riveting look at a people we hear too...

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Ο γιατρός Ριέ ανακαλύπτει μια μέρα στο κατώφλι του σπιτιού του στο Οράν της Αλγερίας ένα ψόφιο ποντικό. Στη συνέχεια, άπειρα ποντίκια βγαίνουν στους δρόμους της πόλης για να πεθάνουν... Στο Οράν εξαπλώνεται γρήγορα μια θανατηφόρα επιδημία στους κατοίκους. Στην διάρκεια ενός χρόνου, ο γιατρός βιώνει την...

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The Way of Ignorance and Other Essays

The continuing war in Iraq, Hurricane Katrina, the political sniping engendered by the Supreme Court nominations, Terry Schiavo — contemporary American society is characterized by divisive anger, profound loss, and danger. Wendell Berry, one of the country's foremost cultural critics, addresses the menace, responding with hope and intelligence in a...

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Thieves' Paradise

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Последен патрул

Къде свършва Пътят на Различни��е? Възможен ли е край на човешката борба със себе си и със света? Едно привидно случайно убийство слага началото на поредица от непредвидими събития. Този път Висшият маг Антон Городецки ще трябва да се сблъска със сила,...

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Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle

START-UP NATION addresses the trillion dollar question: How is it that Israel-- a country of 7.1 million, only 60 years old, surrounded by enemies, in a constant state of war since its founding, with no natural resources-- produces more start-up companies than large, peaceful,...

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Triệu Phú Khu Ổ Chuột

Tại sao một bồi bàn không xu dính túi tại Mumbai lại phải ngồi sau song sắt nhà tù?Đó là vì:a )Anh ta đã đánh khách hàng;b) Anh ta uống quá nhiều rượu;c) Anh ta lấy...

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Meine geniale Freundin

Sie könnten unterschiedlicher kaum sein und sind doch unzertrennlich, Lila und Elena, schon als junge Mädchen beste Freundinnen. Und sie werden es ihr ganzes Leben lang bleiben, über sechs Jahrzehnte hinweg, bis die eine spurlos verschwindet und die andere auf alles Gemeinsame zurückblickt, um hinter das Rätsel dieses Verschwindens zu...

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Barefoot Gen, Volume Three: Life After the Bomb

Barefoot Gen is a harrowing story of the bombing of Hiroshima told from the perspective of a young boy, Gen, and his family. Physical and emotional hardship on an extraordinary scale marks their lives as they try to cope with the transformation of their tranquil...

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Cuentos Completos Cortazar I:

Cortazar was a writer of the real and the imaginary, the hallmark of the world he invented lies precisely in this symbiosis. He was able to uncover the unusual in the usual, the absurd within the logical, the extraordinary in the trivial, and the exception...

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Mother to Mother

Sindiwe Magona's novel Mother to Mother explores the South African legacy of apartheid through the lens of a woman who remembers a life marked by oppression and injustice. Magona decided to write this...

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Bringing Up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting

The secret behind France's astonishingly well-behaved children. When American journalist Pamela Druckerman has a baby in Paris, she doesn't aspire to become a "French parent." French parenting isn't a known thing, like French fashion or French cheese. Even French parents...

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Feb 8th, 2017
Black Bird

In this wholly original novel alive with misfortune and magic, Michel Basilières uncovers a Montreal not seen in any other English-Canadian work: a forgotten blue-collar neighbourhood in between the two solitudes. Gothic, outrageous, yet tender and wise, Black Bird is as liberating as the dreams of its...

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Payback Is a Mutha

In her hot, gritty new urban drama, Essence® bestselling author Wahida Clark tells the story of a woman who thinks she has everything, but who really has everything to lose...

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Sound of the Beast: The Complete Headbanging History of Heavy Metal

The definitive history of the first 30 years of heavy metal, containing over 100 interviews with members of Black Sabbath, Metallica, Judas Priest, Twisted Sister, Slipknot, Kiss, Megadeth, Public Enemy, Napalm Death, and more.More than 30 years after Black Sabbath released the first complete heavy metal album, its...

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Jun 8th, 2016
The Gray Earth

This powerful, sweeping novel continues the saga of Dshurukawaa, the Tuvan shepherd boy introduced in The Blue Sky. Torn between the onset of visions and pressure from his family to attend a state boarding school, the adolescent attempts to mediate the pull of spirituality and pragmatism, old ways and new....

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As the pampered wife of Frankie Bingham, Camille wants for nothing. After all Frankie and their life together are her whole world. So Camille tries not to be bothered by his closeness with his...

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Tell Me How Long the Train's Been Gone

At the height of his theatrical career, the actor Leo Proudhammer is nearly felled by a heart attack. As he hovers between life and death, Baldwin shows the choices that have made him enviably famous...

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Light of the Moon

New York Times bestselling author Luanne Rice transports readers across the sea in this moving, magical tale of a lonely woman with a promise to keep. Set in a landscape of stunning natural...

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Nhóc Nicolas: Những Chuyện Chưa Kể 1

Sức mạnh của cuốn sách này là có thể cuốn hút cả trẻ con cũng như người lớn. Trẻ con thì thấy giống quá, người lớn thì thấy nhớ quá...Một cuốn sách nặng, dày hơn...

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