Wobble to Death

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The Sonnets and Other Love Poems

Shakespeare became famous as a dazzling poet before most people even knew that he wrote plays. His sonnets are the English language’s most extraordinary anatomy of love in all its dimensions–desire and despair, longing and loss, adoration and disgust. To read...

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"The English version of Dissemination [is] an able translation by Barbara Johnson . . . . Derrida's central contention is that language is haunted by dispersal, absence, loss, the risk of unmeaning, a risk which is starkly embodied in all writing. The distinction between philosophy and literature therefore becomes of...

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O Mundo Encantado de Beatrix Potter

A novel based on the upcoming motion picture on Beatrix Potter's life, starring Renée Zellweger as Beatrix Potter and Ewan McGregor as the man she loved. Written by the film's screenwriter, the novel expands the plotline of...

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Ο γιατρός Ριέ ανακαλύπτει μια μέρα στο κατώφλι του σπιτιού του στο Οράν της Αλγερίας ένα ψόφιο ποντικό. Στη συνέχεια, άπειρα ποντίκια βγαίνουν στους δρόμους της πόλης για να πεθάνουν... Στο Οράν εξαπλώνεται γρήγορα μια θανατηφόρα επιδημία στους κατοίκους. Στην διάρκεια ενός χρόνου, ο γιατρός βιώνει την...

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Arielle Immortal Seduction

A time of waiting... Arielle Lloyd has found the love of her life, but his business as the owner of an international company calls him away. She longs for Sebastian, but stays busy with school, and finds comfort in spending...

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The Man Who Planted Trees

In this powerfully-told story, a simple hermit- shepherd revives the soul of a land -- with acorns. On a deeper level, the message is one of tremendous hope: how the steadfast. determination of...

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Three Men in a Float: Across England at 15 mph

With a top speed of 15 miles per hour and fuel efficiency of a penny a mile, a decommissioned milk float is the ideal vehicle for an epic journey between England's most easterly and westerly points. After planning the entire trip on the back of a beer mat, buying a...

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La bustina di Minerva

"La bustina di Minerva" è una rubrica iniziata sull'ultima pagina dell'"Espresso" nel marzo del 1985 e continuata con regolarità settimanale sino al marzo 1998, quando è diventata quindicinale. Ora le "Bustine" sono state selezionate e raccolte in questo libro. Si spazia da riflessioni...

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Meine geniale Freundin

Sie könnten unterschiedlicher kaum sein und sind doch unzertrennlich, Lila und Elena, schon als junge Mädchen beste Freundinnen. Und sie werden es ihr ganzes Leben lang bleiben, über sechs Jahrzehnte hinweg, bis die eine spurlos verschwindet und die andere...

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Cinco horas con Mario

Una conservadora mujer de clase media vela el cadaver de su marido, prematuramente fallecido. Mediante un soliloquio, la esposa recuerda los muchos aspectos insatisfactorios de su vida en comun. La Biblia de cabecera de Mario esta subrayada con pasajes y a partir de estas...

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Under det rosa täcket

Var står den svenska feminismen idag och vart är den på väg? När vi allt oftare hör tongångar om kvinnans särart, om kvinnors rätt att vara annorlunda män, måste vi åter ställa den grundläggade frågan: vad är kvinnlighet? Genom att läsa förföriska kvinnomagasin, feministiska biologer, hyllare av...

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Agatha Christie

For 50 years, Agatha Christie ruled the roost in British mysteries. Her books have been translated into every major language, and her two most favorite creations, Detective Poirot and Miss Marple,...

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Noaptea de Sânziene

Acest roman constituie poate proiectul cel mai ambiţios al lui Mircea Eliade, acela de a configura un Zeitgeist, plasându-se astfel alături de romancieri europeni redutabili. Romanul recapitulează toate temele esenţiale pentru opera lui Eliade,...

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La petite Malika, ouvrière dans une usine du port de Tanger, demanda à son voisin Azel, sans travail, de lui montrer ses diplômes. - Et toi, lui dit-il, que veux-tu faire plus tard? - Partir. Partir......

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Roger Brown is een succesvolle headhunter, zijn vrouw Diana is eigenaar van een kunstgalerij. Ze leiden een luxeleven, een leven dat ze zich eigenlijk niet kunnen veroorloven. Als Roger bij een opening kennismaakt met Clas Greve, ziet hij een oplossing voor zijn financiële problemen. Niet alleen isGreve...

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Małe zbrodnie małżeńskie

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Las batallas en el desierto

Historia de un amor imposible, narración de un terror cotidiano que los protagonistas preferirían creer que se trata de algo fantasmagórico, Las batallas en el desierto es una magistral novela breve que involucra otros aspectos como la corrupción social y política, el inicio del México moderno y la desaparición del...

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