Meine geniale Freundin

A Historical, Fiction, Italian Literature book. It was during that journey to Via Orazio that I began to be made...

Sie könnten unterschiedlicher kaum sein und sind doch unzertrennlich, Lila und Elena, schon als junge Mädchen beste Freundinnen. Und sie werden es ihr ganzes Leben lang bleiben, über sechs Jahrzehnte hinweg, bis die eine spurlos verschwindet und die andere auf alles Gemeinsame zurückblickt, um hinter das Rätsel dieses Verschwindens zu kommen.Im Neapel der fünfziger Jahre wachsen sie auf, in einem armen, überbordenden, volkstümlichen Viertel, derbes Fluchen auf den Straßen, Familien, die sich seit Generationen befehden, das Silvesterfeuerwerk artet in eine...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 422 pages
  • ISBN: 9783518425534 / 3518425536
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More About Meine geniale Freundin

I had never seen her naked, I was embarrassed. Today I can say that it was the embarrassment of gazing with pleasure at her body, of being the not impartial witness of her sixteen-year-old's beauty a few hours before Stefano touched her, penetrated her, disfigured her, perhaps, by making her pregnant. At the time it was just a tumultuous sensation of necessary awkwardness, a state in which you cannot avert the gaze or take away the hand without recognizing your own turmoil, without, by that retreat, declaring it, hence without coming into conflict with... If you don't try, nothing ever changes. Elena Ferrante, My Brilliant Friend I knew - perhaps I hoped - that no form could ever contain Lila, and that sooner or later she would break everything again. Elena Ferrante, My Brilliant Friend

After finishing Elena Ferrante's first novel in the Neapolitan Trilogy, I am of two minds. On the one hand, being a writer myself, it is demotivating, due to its frank brilliance; on the other, for an enthusiastic reader, it is thought-provoking and deeply engaging. And to think, this is only a translation! Though I am undeniably envious... My Brilliant Friend, a.k.a. My Brilliant New ObsessionBelieve all the hype. This is a rich, immersive, deeply satisfying book that, like many great novels, captures a particular time and place with complete authority. I cant wait to read the other books in the series. In a dirt poor neighbourhood on the outskirts of Naples in the 1950s,... "The women in my stories are all echoes of real women who, because of their suffering or their combativeness, have very much influenced my imagination: my mother, a childhood girlfriend, acquaintances whose stories I know. In general I combine their experiences with my own and Delia, Amalia, Olga, Leda, Nina, Elena, Len are born out...

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God Our Father: Consecration and Feast Day for the Father of All Mankind

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"The English version of Dissemination [is] an able translation by Barbara Johnson . . . . Derrida's central contention is that language is haunted by dispersal, absence, loss, the risk of unmeaning, a risk which is starkly embodied in all writing....

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காடுறை உலகம் [Kaadurai Ulagam]

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Collected Poems

A revised edition of this major writer's complete poetical work"And I who was walkingwith the earth at my waist,saw two snowy eaglesand a naked girl.The one was the otherand the girl was neither."--from "Qasida of the Dark Doves"Federico García Lorca is the greatest poet of twentieth-century...

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