The Picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde brings his enormous gifts for astute social observation and sparkling prose to The Picture of Dorian Gray, the dreamlike story of a young man who sells his soul for...

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The Tell-Tale Heart: Short Story

Having killed in a fit of passion, an unnamed narrator quickly hides the victim’s body only to be haunted by the victim’s relentless heartbeat.A pioneer of the short story genre, Poe’s stories typically captured themes of the macabre and included elements of the mysterious. His better-known stories include...

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Nov 26th, 2015

When she danced, she could dream...Beautiful and talented, Rose was the apple of her father's eye. But when he is tragically taken from her, his carefully hidden secrets destroy the only life Rose has ever known -- and lead...

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Aug 19th, 2016
On Dark Paths

Now and then a person brushes up against something they can't explain, something so far outside the norm that in a sane world it ought not exist. Enclosed within are thirteen stories about this unholy interaction of...

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Fata cu toate darurile

Plin de emotie si captivant de la prima pagina pana la final, Fata cu toate darurile este cel mai puternic thriller distopic pe care il veti citi anul acesta.Melanie este o fata foarte speciala. Dr. Caldwell o numeste „micul nostru geniu“.In...

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Loath Letters

Step into the world that exists inside all our heads. There are no secrets, no taboos, just humans being human. This book opens the door to our innermost sanctum so we can all gawk...

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Burn the Dead

Steven Jenkins' BURN THE DEAD uniquely takes the modern day pop culture zombie phenomenon and spins a fresh, exciting, chilling tale unlike any other of its kind, sure to impress readers from the most hardcore zombie enthusiasts to the casual horror/thriller fan hungry for a suspenseful and totally engaging ride....

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Последен патрул

Къде свършва Пътят на Различни��е? Възможен ли е край на човешката борба със себе си и със света? Едно привидно случайно убийство слага началото на поредица от непредвидими събития. Този път Висшият маг Антон Городецки ще трябва да се сблъска...

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Johnny Got His Gun

This was no ordinary war. This was a war to make the world safe for democracy. And if democracy was made safe, then nothing else mattered—not the millions of dead bodies, nor the thousands of ruined lives...This is no ordinary novel. This...

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Love After Dust

Humans had known that the world might come to an end at some point. But in the end what had come calling had been more terrifying, more surprising, and more devastating, then anyone had dreamed. There was no solution. No fix. Just panic....

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Young Adult/ Mature SituationsThe last thing Laken Stewart remembers is the oncoming car, then bursting through the windshield. Two months dissolve without her knowledge and she finds herself in unfamiliar surroundings with strangers who not only profess to know her but insist she’s someone else entirely. Laken discovers her long...

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The Roald Dahl Omnibus: Perfect Bedtime Stories for Sleepless Nights

Ever since his stories first appeared, people have been telling and re-telling each other Roald Dahl's sometimes shocking and always brilliant and bizarre assortment of terror-tinted gems. Bawdy, funny, touching,...

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Aug 22nd, 2016

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Audrey Rose. El cristal ardiente

Download or read Audrey Rose. El cristal ardiente in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Audrey Rose. El cristal ardiente.

The Sculptor

Killing Is An ArtIn life, they were flawed. In death, they are perfect works of art--killed, preserved, and carefully molded into replicas of Michelangelo's most celebrated creations. Only The Sculptor can bring forth their true beauty and teach the world to appreciate...

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The Girl with All the Gifts

Melanie is a very special girl. Dr Caldwell calls her "our little genius." Every morning, Melanie waits in her cell to be collected for class. When they come for her, Sergeant keeps his gun pointing at her while...

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Monster Hunter Nemesis

#5 in multiple New York Times bestseller Larry Correia's Monster Hunter series. Agent Franks of the U.S. Monster Control Bureau is a man of many parts—parts from other people, that is. Franks is nearly seven feet tall and all muscle. He's...

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Jan 21st, 2016
Black Pockets and Other Dark Thoughts

This collection of 19 horror stories, culled from the career of a writer best known for his literary science fiction, explores horror as a product of the human mind by allowing personal, political, and metaphysical obsessions...

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