A Fiction, Young Adult book. The novel follows an unnamed 16 year old girl through her tribulations with an alcoholic father. Upon reaching...
She's just a young woman, in her junior year in high school. She's just growing into her skin, slowly becoming comfortable and learning who she is. She is always at her best friend London's side; though he's older by one year, he takes her under his wing. There's just one thing that sets her apart from the rest- . Her Father is an alcoholic. She is able to cope with this for years until one night he takes it too far. One night, she runs as fast as she can. She reaches for London. He swears to protect her. But how can he possibly rid her mind of the memories, the anger and...
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- Filetype: PDF
- Pages: 132 pages
- ISBN: 9781438216447 / 1438216440
More About Okay
This is a book about identity, a girl who seems to rebel against being defined by the things that happen to her rather than who she really is-which, she sets out to find out. I suppose this is what is meant by the term coming-of-age in the truest sense, by defining onesself for onesself. Although the character does not identify herself... The novel follows an unnamed 16 year old girl through her tribulations with an alcoholic father. Upon reaching her last straw, she decides to run away from home with her best friend's (London) help. The plot follows these two on the road to find a new home and acceptance. Please note this is not a book for the timid. It is a bit graphic... I won this as a Goodreads giveaway and was glad I did. The story is told in the first person of a 16-year old who is regularly beaten by her father with a mother who does nothing. Her best frien, a neibor boy named London, knows what is happening to her and is there to support her.After a savage attack by her father she runs away from...