Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Families

A Relationships, Self Help, Personal Development book. Family itself is a we experience, a we mentality. And admittedly, the...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 0 pages
  • ISBN: 9780684840154 / 684840154
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More About Seven Habits Of Highly Effective Families

Its not enough to say your family is important. If family is really going to be top priority, you have to hunker down, suck it up, and make it happen! Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families The message sent to one is truly sent to all because everyone is a one, and they know that if you treat one that way, all it takes is a change of circumstances and youll treat them that way, too. Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families So if youre living your life around a temporary role and allowing your treasure chest to remain barren in terms of your only real permanent role, then youre letting yourself be seduced by the culture and robbed of the true richness of your lifethe deep and lasting satisfaction that only comes through family relationships. Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families

7 Habits of Highly Effective families follows the same principals as the Highly Effective people. I think it's a great book even if you read it as a refresher motivator to keep your home life functional and happy. I think the book has some really good information in it and lots of helpful stories. However, for me, the material wasn't fresh new material, therefore it was a little harder for me to get through the whole book. I felt like it beat a dead horse on most topics and could have been cut down from the 360+ pages (large ones too) to half... Stephen Covey can take something like "paying attention to your children is a good idea," and end up taking credit for inventing the notion, or make it sound like it's something that only church-goers can do properly. I could not get past the Covey family's faith-based smarmy tone, and much of the data in this book is now outdated....

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