Dragons of a Vanished Moon

A Fantasy, Fiction, Dragons book. read most of this book during travels to finland and back. this was yet...

The flames of war devour Ansalon. The army of dead souls marches toward conquest, led by the mystical warrior Mina, who serves the powerful One God.A small band of heroes, driven to desperate measures, leads the fight against overwhelming odds.Two unlikely protagonists emerge. One is a dragon overlord who will not easily relinquish her rule. The other is an irrepressible kender who has been on a strange and remarkable journey that will end in startling and unforeseen fashion.The stirring climax of the War of Souls.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 610 pages
  • ISBN: 9780786929504 / 786929502
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More About Dragons of a Vanished Moon

Book 1 was kind of hard to figure out who all the characters are, maybe that was the idea? Anyway, by the end of book 1 you are into the story and book 2 and 3 flow really well. Make no mistake this is an epic, 1500 pages across 3 books. I do have one negative thing to say, as a Christian the whole one true god thing really got on my... The last in this trilogy. Even though it seemed like I missed something from skipping books in the chronology of some of the characters, the story & characters were still much more satisfying than some of the recent fantasy, or the Robert Jordan Wheel of Time (TM) series. It's strange how the concept of trilogy seems to be a standard... read most of this book during travels to finland and back. this was yet another great novel in the dragonlance world and i loved it. of course some of our beloved characters are not alive anymore, some strangely enough still, or again alive.. but i must say this is a much better solution than what salvatore did to revive some heroes....

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