
A Mystery, Mystery Thriller, Thriller book. This novel has an interesting idea--the first and last chapters are written by...

Watchlist is a unique collaboration by twenty-one of the world’s greatest thriller writers including Lee Child, Joseph Finder, David Hewson, S.J. Rozan, Lisa Scottoline, and Jeffery Deaver, who conceived the characters and set the plot in motion. In turn, the other authors each wrote a chapter and Deaver then completed what he started, bringing each novel to its startling conclusion.The Chopin Manuscript Former war crimes investigator Harold Middleton possesses a previously unknown score by Frédéric Chopin. But he is unaware that, locked within its handwritten notes, lies a secret that now threatens the lives of thousands of Americans.The Copper Bracelet Harold Middleton returns in this explosive sequel to The Chopin Manuscript as he’s drawn into an international terror plot that threatens to send India and Pakistan into full-scale nuclear war.Note: Print edition of the two...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 416 pages
  • ISBN: 9781593155599 / 0
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another book from great thriller writer, into two serial thrillers good reading This novel has an interesting idea--the first and last chapters are written by Jeffery Deaver (of Bone Collector fame), one of my favorite authors. But the intervening chapters are each written by a different, also notable, mystery/thriller writer. The result is that it is exceedingly well written, but... every chapter being that author's... Another Kindle freebee. I liked the idea of different authors writing each chapter. But sometimes I think that it made the book feel pretty choppy. You could tell the chapters were all written by different people. It was a spy type thriller. It was okay, but I just couldn't get that into the story. Each chapter seem to be way too overloaded...

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