Beyond the Pleasure Principle and Other Writings

A Theory, Philosophy, Academic book. This little book is indubitable proof of the breadth and depth of Freud's thinking. It is a...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 496 pages
  • ISBN: 9780141184050 / 141184051
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More About Beyond the Pleasure Principle and Other Writings

This is a pretty coherent book. You get a sense of where Freud is starting, what he is about and where he wants to go. His theorization is light, palpable, and provides a way in for us to find coherency around the distortion. Basically psychoanalysis is language based. We get a sense of the distortion inherent within there being an... I only give this a poor rating b/c I didn't not understand a lot of it since I'm not familiar with a lot of the terms. However, it provides an extremely valuable view about trauma and human behavior and motivations. But I will definitely have to reread it. This little book is indubitable proof of the breadth and depth of Freud's thinking. It is a fascinating and multi-faceted read, containing elements of psychoanalysis, philosophy, poetry, biology, and the literary theory. You will not believe how quickly Freud is able to move from topic to topic and the absurd range within which he is...

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